If this sounds like a position for you...
We're currently accepting expressions of interest for our advertising sales positions within our Just Real Good Food (JRGF) and Biz Opp Pages digital publications. Applicants are not competing for the sales position but territories and categories. Watch the video, view our publications by clicking the link and downloading Magzster, and sign up for a free account. Afterward, if you are still interested, complete the form below, attach your resume, and join us for this exciting opportunity to make your mark in the world of advertising sales!
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Upon receipt of your submission, we will initiate the process of verifying your references. Once this step is successfully completed, we will reach out to you to arrange a conference call. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.
**All professional references must include the person's Full Name, Business Name, and an email or phone number
**All personal references must include the person's full name and relationship to you (sibling, parent, child, friend, etc. and an email or phone number
Upon receipt of your submission, we will initiate the process of verifying your references. Once this step is successfully completed, we will reach out to you to arrange a conference call. Thank you for your interest, and we look forward to connecting with you soon.